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Experts support

I collaborate with pleasure with experts engaged in study of monuments and wooden architecture in particular. This collaboration is reciprocally interesting. Thus, I get exclusive information (scientific publications, drawings etc.) for the "Wooden churches of Ukraine". By publishing on the web the scientists make their materials available for the search in the internet, and so, their audience is being strongly enlarged.
Here is some information about the experts cooperating with the "Wooden Churches of Ukraine" project. I express my sincere gratitude for their support.

Karel Kuča

architect, historian of architecture, urbanism and town-planning, head of The Society for the Research of Wooden Churches and Belltowers, author of numerous books and articles (Prague, Czech Republic)

Karel Kuča is engaged in the research of wooden sacral architecture, especially of belltowers in the Czech Republic since 1983. He has published the catalogue and the evolutionary typological review of them. He is coordinating the expeditions of the Society all over Europe. He is a founder of the Society of revival of villages and small towns, and an author of numerous books on the history of architecture and town-planning.
During his travel to Zakarpattia in 2006 Karel Kuča together with his colleague Tomaš Hlavaček visited hundreds of monuments, from the well-known masterpieces and to the small wooden belltowers of the stone churches. He kindly provided us the entire archive of his photos, and some of them have already appeared on our website. In our part I was glad to provide photos and other material for the encyclopedic book "Wooden Churches and Belltowers in Europe" (with Jiri Langer, Prague, 2009) and in such a way to promote Ukrainian wooden churches to be presented in their wide diversity. In recent years we have carried out a range of travels to the wooden architecture monuments of Ukraine and Czech Republic.
By the invitation of Mr. Kuča and his colleagues several years ago I became a member of The Society for the Research of Wooden Churches and Belltowers.

Mykhaylo Syrokhman

"гуру" закарпатських дерев'яних храмів, художник-графік, мистецтвознавець, автор низки книг і численних статей про дерев'яні храми Закарпаття Transcarpathian wooden churches "guru", graphic artist, art historian, author of several books and numerous articles about the wooden churches of Transcarpathian region (Uzhgorod)

У 1970-1980-х роках обїздив і обійшов абсолютно всі села, присілки і хутори Закарпаття, фотографував церкви і зібрав усю можливу інформацію про них від старих людей, крім цього опрацював усю історичну літературу та матеріали архівів. Результатом стало видання численних статей у пресі, книги "Втрачені церкви Закарпаття" (1999), монументальної енциклопедії "Церкви України. Закарпаття" (2000), путівника "55 дерев'яних храмів Закарпаття" (2008), серії буклетів про мармароські готизуючі церкви та багато іншого. Пан Михайло - художник-графік, і кілька серій своїх робіт він присвятив саме дерев'яним храмам. Деякі з них можна побачити у статті "Дерев'яна споруда поза часом" у часописі "Українська культура", №2-3(1022-1023), 2014, с.16-19.
Нині працює над підготовкою до друку доповненого видання "Втрачених церков Закарпаття", книжки про ужгородського архітектора Еміліяна Егреші, альбому світлин Закарпаття 1920-х років, зроблених чеським краєзнавцем Флоріаном Заплеталом, та іншими виданнями.
На сайті в розділі "Закарпатська область" можна побачити багато текстів та фотографій, наданих паном Михайлом.

Dmytro Malakov

historian, local lore expert, researcher of Kyiv history (Kyiv)

I'd like to thank Mr. Malakov for his unfailing willingness to help, advise and suggest. I frequently recieve from him new photos of little-known wooden churches and other buildings, and also the valuable archive materials. Due to Mr. Malakov a range of rare books, such as M. Sopoliha "The pearls of folk architecture", T.Gewryk "Masterpieces in wood", the articles by D. Scherbakivskyj and O. Hutsalo from the Collection of the Ukrainian Scientific Society Art Section (Kyiv, 1921) were scanned and enriched my e-library.

Mykola Zharkykh

Ph. D. (chemical sciences), the author of the "Myslene Drevo" project (Kyiv)

He undertook a titanic work of digitizing literature and paper photoarchives. It's nice when after bringing a huge heap of magazines and books to a person for scanning you see him not frightened but smiling. After passing through his hands any materials are perfectly ordered and prepared to take their place both at our website and in "Myslene Drevo" - a universal hierarchic data base dedicated to history and culture of Ukraine.
Web bibliography of Ukraine's wooden architecture is also developed by Mykola Zharkikh.

Oleh Rybchynskyj

town culture animator, Ph.D. (architecture), professor of the National University "Lvivska Politekhnika" restoration department (Lviv)

Mr. Oleh is an excellent graphic artist; you can get evidence that it is true visiting his galleries "Lviv courtyards" and "Lviv portals. Biography fragments" at the "Lviv Reminiscences" website. It was creating these galleries what gave incentive to our acquaintance and cooperation continued now in the "Wooden Churches of Ukraine" project.
It is due to Mr. Oleh's efforts that Lviv architect Anatoliy Konsulov's drafts, provided by his family, are presented at our website.

Viktor Hromyk

architect, author of the "Wooden churches of Western Ukraine" website, (Lviv - Rudno)

Starting with general travels with a photocamera he got seriously interested in wooden architecture. In 2007 he created his own website named "Wooden churches of Lviv region", later it developed into the "Wooden churches of Western Ukraine" website. During 2006-2012 Viktor has published at his website a photocatalogue of all the wooden churches of Lviv region bulit up to the mid-20th c. Before the late 2014 his collegue, a velotraveler Ihor Punda, has taken photos of all the old wooden churches of Ivano-Frankivsk region.

Dmytro Kadnichanskyj

Ukrainian Regional Studies Union Lviv Regional Organisation board deputy vice-chairman, photographer (Lviv)

In 2001-2002, Mr. Kadnichanskyj was taking part in the "Churches of Turkivschyna" expedition as an organizer and photographer. For our website, he gave us over 300 of his photos of wooden churches of Skole, Turka, Sambir and Staryj Sambir districts of Lviv region, as well as the detailed lists of monuments for these districts.

Ivan Bykov

architect, researcher the wooden churches of Northern and Eastern Ukraine (Kyiv)

Founator and chief-architect of the Architect Bykov's studio. Since 2012 року he travels to the masterpieces of wooden architecture of Kyiv, Zhytomyr, Chernihiv, Sumy and Poltava regions and publishes his photos at the webpage of the "Architecture of Ukraine" community on Faceebook and on Wikipedia. In the late 2014 one of his photos brought him the 2nd place in the speciaal nomination "Wooden architectureа" of the photocontest "Wiki loves monuments". We have already started to collaborate, and soon the photos and the articles by Ivan Bykov will appear at my website.
Ivan Bykov develops the restoration projects for the wooden churches taking only symbolic fee for it. Also new projects of wooden churches could be elaborated.
In 2015 Mr. Bykov founded and headed the welfare fund "Regeneration of the architectural monuments" in which I am a member of the Supervisory council.

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